
Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious issue, whether you are the victim of domestic violence or accused of being the perpetrator of domestic violence. In California a domestic violence restraining order can create presumptions regarding child custody and visitation and spousal support which can carry long-term consequences.

Obtaining a domestic violence restraining order requires that the relationship between the alleged victim and the accused perpetrator fall within certain prescribed parameters; for example the parties were married, in a relationship, lived together or have a child together. Similarly, the California Family Code allows for the issuance of a restraining order only if the accused has engaged in certain conduct and provides only for limited relief in domestic violence proceedings. Obtaining a domestic violence restraining order can be an important step in putting an end to a cycle of abuse and preventing further such abuse.

By the same token, being falsely accused of domestic violence can have devastating impacts on the accused. The issuance of a restraining order can result in the deprivation of civil liberties and lead to negative background checks on future employment applications and potentially even to the loss of the accused’s current employment. Accordingly, it is critical to take any restraining order proceedings seriously and to give strong consideration to retaining legal counsel to address the proceedings.

Whether you are seeking a restraining order or defending against a restraining order you should consult with an experienced family law attorney. The Law Office of Matthew J. Rudy has significant experience both pursuing restraining orders and defending against restraining order applications. For more information about your legal rights and to schedule a free one hour consultation please Contact The Law Office of Matthew J. Rudy






