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Interesting Celebrity Prenuptial Agreement Clauses

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Many people turn to prenuptial agreements as a form of divorce insurance designed to protect them from the worst effects of a divorce. Celebrity Harrison Ford was not one of them, at least during his first marriage. As a result he was ordered to pay ex-wife and screenwriter Melissa Mathison $90 million during their divorce. More recent celebrities seem to have learned Harrison’s mistake and have reportedly worked some interesting provisions into their prenuptial agreements.

Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake

Before agreeing to marry Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel had him agree to a clause in the prenup that will give her at least $500K if he strays. (Radar Online)

Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom married while he was playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. The New York Daily News reported that Lamar agreed to give Khloe courtside Laker tickets for her whole family if they were to ever divorce. It seems odd that someone would want courtside seats to watch her ex-husband work. Lamar Odom was subsequently traded from the Lakers to the Dallas Mavericks and now plays for the Los Angeles Clippers

Jessica Simpson & Tony Romo

When Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo were still together, there was talk about engagement. Chicago Now reported that people suggested that Romo might want to include a "porker clause" in their prenup, which would theoretically state that if she weighed more than 135 pounds during the marriage, she would have to pay Romo $500K.

Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban

In this prenup, Keith Urban was to make $640K for every year that they are married. However, if the former cocaine addict was to use any illegal drugs, he would not get a cent. (Buzzle)

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Before Shiloh was born, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie allegedly drew up a prenup that would ensure that Angelina would retain custody of all the kids. The couple has been rumored to have married over the New Year. (Bridal Wave) In California a prenuptial agreement cannot provide for custody orders.

Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise

Rumors suggested that Katie received $3 million for every year they were married, up to $33 million (however they were only married for 5 years). Potentially after 11 years, a Sunset Provision would have voided the agreement and Holmes could have received half of Cruise's bounty. (Radar Online)

Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen had a spectacularly messy divorce, but thankfully there was a prenup to keep it on track. The most interesting part was that Denise was guaranteed a $4 million bonus if the famous philanderer ever cheated on her. (Aisle Dash)

Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones had a similar clause—on top of the $2.8 million Zeta-Jones receives for each year of marriage, she would also get a $5 million bonus if Douglas were ever caught cheating. (Aisle Dash)

Liz Taylor & Larry Fortensky

Lifetime construction worker Larry Fortensky had a clause put in his prenup that entitled him to $1 million after 5 year of marriage. (Forbes)

Jane Beasley Welch & Jack Welch

It’s hard to imagine that one of American industry’s most prolific wealth-producing CEO’s got swindled, but that’s exactly what Jane Beasley Welch did to her husband. Her prenup with former General Electric head Jack Welch contained a “sunset clause” that abolished the prenup after 10 years of marriage. Once the clause took effect, Jane split and rode off into that sunset with $150 million. (Aisle Dash)

While you may not anticipate needing any of the prenuptial agreement provisions discussed here, if you have significant assets prior to your marriage or anticipate having significant earnings or assets after your marriage, you may want to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement.

For more information about prenuptial agreements or to schedule a free one hour consultation regarding other family law related issues please contact The Law Office of Matthew J. Rudy.

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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025