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Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney

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Divorce is a situation that few people ever plan, budget or save for. It is also a significant disruption to everyday life. Housing, finances, family relations and friendships can be seriously affected by a divorce, however amicable. Deciding on the best way to handle the divorce goes along with the decision to pursue divorce at all.

Even people who would prefer not to divorce often come to believe they have no choice but to go through the process. Many people wish to avoid the expense and hassles of traditional divorce litigation but do not know how. Couples who think they agree on how to divide property and how to cooperate in the care of children may also think that they can save time and money with a low-cost "do-it-yourself" (DIY) divorce, with no lawyer involved.

If you are considering a DIY divorce, we would challenge you to think again. Navigating the many avenues of divorce can be complicated, and you may want a professional there to guide you and help you through your case. There are a variety of reasons that a divorce attorney can be an invaluable asset in your case. For one, a divorce attorney can offer expert advice. You may not understand the ins and outs of family law, but an attorney can look at your situation and know what laws apply.

An attorney may be able to work to make sure that you receive retirement funds or other income from an ex-spouse in the future, and may be able to resolve complications. Also, a divorce attorney understands how to work through child custody and support issues and will do so in your favor.

In addition to being a wealth of knowledge, an attorney can reduce stress during the divorce. Divorce is always a stressful time for those involved, but an attorney can help deal with the legalities of the process so that you can cope with the emotional effects. An attorney can also help you to avoid mistakes.

If you are doing a DIY divorce, there is a chance that you could mess up on paperwork or fail to disclose details about your marriage because you didn't know that they were required. You may simply forget to address an important issue such as medical debt, or you may overestimate the value of an asset. Most of these mistakes can be effectively avoided, and all you have to do is hire a divorce attorney to help you with your case.

Also, a divorce attorney can ensure that you have a clear and binding agreement with your spouse that is less likely to be broken or contested later on. The court is permitted to review any divorce documents that you present but an attorney can create documents that specifically state your wishes. Lastly, hiring a divorce attorney can help you to avoid delays. When you are doing a DIY divorce, the court may not be motivated to move your process along. With a divorce attorney on your side, you may be able to push the process along faster.

Learn more by contacting The Law Office of Matthew J. Rudy for a free 1 hour consultation today.

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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025