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Messiest Celebrity Child Custody Battles

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Messiest Celebrity Child Custody Battles

One of the most overlooked aspects of divorce is child custody issues. People going through divorce can become focused on their own issues, emotions and problems and lose sight of the child or children affected by the divorce. The news tends to focus on sensational custody battle. The seven celebrity custody battles discussed in this blog certainly qualify as sensational.

Usher Raymond & Tameka Foster

This is probably one of the messiest custody battles in recent years. After getting married in 2007 against Usher’s mother’s wishes, the couple had two kids and divorced two years later. Tameka blasted Usher for his lack of parenting skills, threatened to take the kids away and accused him of sleeping with one of the nannies. Usher fought back by telling the judge that Tameka had “spit at and tried to fight his girlfriend during one visit,” and alleged that his ex-wife hit him during the dust-up.

Dwyane Wade & Siohvaughn

This was a long battle that was filled with lots of drama that only had a negative effect on the kids. Dwyane and his high school sweetheart and ex-wife, Siohvaughn Fuches-Wade have been battling since the couple split in 2007. Surely one of the most bitter celebrity custody battles to play out in a court, this fight revealed anger issues, the need for psychiatric treatment and an arrest. Dwyane was awarded sole custody, which is rare in the courts.

Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown

After 14 years of an occasionally televised and always outrageous marriage, Whitney and Bobby called it quits and ended up in court fighting over their only daughter Bobbi Kristina. Whitney had sole custody of a then 14-year old Bobbi Kristina and Bobby claimed that Whitney was preventing father and daughter from having any contact. Whitney testified that Brown was “unreliable” and that she didn’t need spousal or child support. Brown disputed her claim, saying he’s been involved in their daughter’s life and was her primary caretaker when the couple lived in Atlanta.

Britney Spears & Kevin Federline

When pop star Britney Spears filed for divorce in 2006, Kevin Federline immediately filed and won sole custody of their two boys, with visitation rights for Brit. Her split with Federline also triggered her spiraling into an infamous public breakdown (think head-shaving, umbrella-wielding car-bashing phase). This led to Britney’s father Jamie being named conservator of her affairs.

Christina Millian & The-Dream

After pictures surfaced of her then-husband The-Dream frolicking on a beach with his assistant while she was laid up in bed pregnant, Christina Millian filed for divorce. The coupled battled over custody and money which resulted in Christina getting a hefty settlement. To this day, the couple is still lashing out at each other in public over their parenting skills.

Chris Bosh & Allison Mathis

While LeBron James makes cell phone commercials with his children, Chris Bosh joins fellow Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade on this list. Chris and Allison Mathis have been entangled in bitter court battles over custody, Basketball Wives and visitation. For the past 2 years, the former couple has been feuding in court, Bosh suing her at least 3 times over custody, visitation rights, and lower child support.

Katherine Jackson/TJ Jackson & Michael Jackson’s Kids

From kidnapping, health concerns, slaps and cell phone snatching, this custody battle involved an entire family. The 82-year-old guardian went missing, was thought to be kidnapped but was later found in Arizona with relatives. Jackson’s daughter Paris, 14, took to Twitter to ask for help in finding her grandmother and called her aunts and uncles out. The battle recently came to an end when a judge ruled that Katherine and her grandson will share guardianship.

Child Custody shouldn’t be a nasty battle. At The Law Office of Matthew J. Rudy, we work hard to make sure that the entire divorce process is as smooth as possible. Our principal attorney, Matthew Rudy, has years of experience with a variety of child custody issues. If you have questions regarding child custody, visitation, divorce or related issues, please click on the tab for a free 1 hour consultation.

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  • Guest
    David Jacks, Esq. Friday, 14 December 2012

    Good information!

    Your family law information on this site is top notch. I appreciate your blog about child custody.

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    Gtsbutny Wednesday, 18 December 2013

    Child Custody Cases

    Divorce can be traumatic on family, and children often bear the brunt of the stress. Subsequent child custody battles between you and your ex can prolong the discomfort and be devastating for a child.
    Child Custody Cases

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