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b2ap3_thumbnail_Rudy-family-law-Forensic-Accounting.jpgAn experienced divorce attorney will be able to advise if using a forensic expert accountant will substantially help a case for dissolution of marriage. They will know the possible financial advantages versus the cost.

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Divorce in itself is difficult to navigate, but after all is said and done, there are still some things to be considered regarding finances.
It is easy to think that if you do not have many assets to divide it is not necessary to have to rebuild and reconfigure financial vehicles. Estate planning that includes wills, living wills, life insurance, healthcare, and retirement accounts apply to people of all levels of financial standing. Specific financial issues such as mortgages, credit card debt, and car notes could still be a problem unless they are handled by a competent divorce lawyer.

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b2ap3_thumbnail_divorce-debt.jpg In divorce cases debts come in two flavors: community debts and separate debts.

A community debt is, by and large, any debt created by either or both spouses while they were married.
Community creditors generally look to both spouses to pay community debts, but the creditor is within his rights to ask only one spouse to pay the whole community debt. It is the right of the creditor to demand payment from only one spouse that creates a good deal of confusion for divorced husbands and wives.

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