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Posted by on in Divorce

The new year is upon us and divorced parents may be considering their New Year's resolutions. Being a single parent or co-parent is hard, but identifying a few key areas that could be improved will help both the parent and child(ren).

Avoid common mistakes

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Managing the holidays when you are married with children definitely takes some finesse and strategy.  Sometimes just the negotiating where to go can be rough: “Should we alternate years for Thanksgiving and so on?"  Or "Do we visit one house, then the other if we live in the same town?”  Forget simplicity if both families live out of town. 

Once you add a divorce and shared child custody to the equation holiday planning gets even more complicated and difficult.

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What if you have no children on which to focus during the holidays? How does a newly single person make sure they have a good or even great post-divorce holiday season? Below are a few suggestions to better enjoy the holidays now that you are on your own.

How to Survive Your First Post-Divorce Christmas:

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Getting Through The Holidays During A Divorce

The holidays should be time of joy and family gatherings. While going through a divorce has profound effects on one’s outlook towards the holidays with the proper outlook and planning it is possible to enjoy the holidays even while going through a divorce. During the holiday season we will be providing some helpful tips to ease the stress of the holiday season.

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Posted by on in Divorce

As American society has evolved in recent years so have divorce rates. The most recent report from the U.S. Census Bureau released in 2011 and utilizing 2009 data indicates that divorce rates have continued to rise in recent years. Below we review some of the numbers and discuss factors involved in this evaluation.

Here are some statistics from the CDC and U.S. Census Bureau:

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Parenting Tips for Couples Going Through a Divorce

Divorce affects the spouses, but also their children. When getting divorce it is normal to be preoccupied and focused on your own issues and concerns but bear in mind that your actions can have lifelong consequences for your children. Divorce only dissolves the marriage, not the familial relationships.

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The Top 10 Most Expensive Divorces of All Time

                Divorce can be a trying, frustrating and expensive process for anyone. Just how expensive a divorce is may depend on the assets being divided. Here are the 10 largest divorce settlements according to thisismoney.co.uk:

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